Who is Eligible to Play?
See Register page for birth date cutoffs.
Programs include co-ed Recreational teams at all levels.
Can my child “play up” in an older age group?
Yes during the registration process you will be prompted to select the Playing Group it will default to your players age group with the option of selecting a higher age group.
What towns are served by TYSL?
TYSL Primarily serves the Timberlane district towns however we do have players from neighboring towns and we do not exlude anyone. We have had registrations from the following towns:
What days and times are the games played?
Games for all age groups are on Saturday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Your child’s game times will vary week to week. TYSL tries to make it fair by rotating teams within a range of times for their division. Game times will not be determined until registrations close and teams are formed.
What equipment will my child need?
Shin guards with no exposed plastic or sharp edges (MANDATORY for practices and games for all age groups)
U4 and U6: Sneakers only (CLEATS ARE NOT ALLOWED!!!)
U8 and above: Cleats are optional but highly recommended. For safety reasons, football and baseball cleats which have a cleat at the toe are not allowed.
Soccer Ball
U4, U6, and U8: Size #3 Balls
U10, U12, and U13: Size #4 Balls
U15 and U19: Size #5 Balls
Jersey is provided by the league
No Jewelry
No Brimmed Hats
No Hooded Sweatshirts/Jackets
How are practices handled?
U4, U6, and U8
Practices are held before the game on Saturday. The time listed on the schedule is the start of practice.
U10 and Up
Practices are once a week with the time and day determined by the coach.
When will I hear from my childs coach?
You should get an email about 2 weeks before the beginning of the season.
If my child decides not to play can I get my money back?
While we understand that sometimes conflicts arise, the league policy states that fees are non-refundable.
Once a player signs up, the league incurs expenses for that player in the form of:
NH state insurance
Field maintenance fees
Referee fees
Credit Card Fees
In addition, a slot that might have been offered to another player becomes unavailable.